I am back with another update to World Game. This Update is Huge and adds some blocks. Be sure to follow this guide if you want to play the new update and have...
Hello, I would like to announce that world game is going into a hiatus. It is going to a hiatus because I suddenly have become quite busy with college studies...
Another update to World Game! Added Axes: This can be used to split wood blocks into slabs by right-clicking the blocks. Stone Axe. Copper Axe. Iron Axe. Added...
Another update to World Game! Added Cow Entity. Added Furnace Smelting functionality (Temperature-based) Added Iron Ingot. Added Copper Ingot. Added Iron Sword...
Another update to World Game! Added animation when the player switches between items. Items now have their own unique way of being held in first-person view. Si...
Another update to World Game! Sand and Gravel blocks now have gravity. All leave blocks will now decay and drop items when not connected to a wood log. Reduced...
Another update to World Game! Added Base Furnace block with a temporary recipe for it. (currently useless) Added "Direction Facing" stat in the player debug men...
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